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European study highlights the positive impact of Process Communication Model training

Posted on May 14, 2023.

When it comes to learning and development, finding the right professional training course that fits your organization’s goal is usually a tense and puzzling task. There are several factors out there to consider when choosing a training provider. However, one important criterion that you should not miss out on is the effectiveness of the training.

In 2020, the study of PCM effectiveness in Europe was conducted successfully by Kahler Communications Germany - an exclusive distributor of the Process Communication Model® for Germany. The positive impact of PCM training was demonstrated by the answers of 539 training attendees across industries, and across Europe. Here is the data regarding diverse participants in this survey.

European study a

European study b

It’s not only about theory

It is undeniable to equip your people with a theoretical foundation, but the skills and knowledge acquired through training should be related to the expected work results and practical to implement now and after the training.

PCM is the premier tool for decoding human interactions. Practicing PCM provides insights into how to observe our behaviors, which in turn lets us identify the communication strengths and preferences of ourselves and others. This understanding is based on differentiating six personality types that we all have within us: Thinker, Persister, Rebel, Promoter, Harmonizer, and Imaginer.

European study 1

According to the overall result of the survey, 79% of the respondents (n = 483) shared that they frequently or sometimes applied PCM to consciously shape their communication process with others. In specific, 75% of the participants (n = 469) use at least one of the PCM concepts once a week.

Read the whole survey here: https://tydeconsulting.net/storage/app/media/Eurpoean-PCM-Efficacy-Survey_2021.pdf

It’s also about the application

You are perhaps familiar with the term PPD, which is personal and professional development. PPD is a way for people to assess their own skills and abilities, consider their aims in life, and set goals in order to realize and maximize their true potential.

Here it is. PCM is a framework that can be applied in every area of your life. See more statistics in the below graph.

European study 2

In general, this model represents human diversity, from then, you will be exposed with: • How to connect with yourself and one another • How to motivate your colleagues and teams • How to prevent and manage stressful conflicts

The below graph also extends the findings from an earlier 2017 Global PCM outcomes study. In particular, the data show that PCM resulted in positive improvement in Personal Relationships (60.28%), Work Relationships (63.48%), Leadership Skills (61.64%), and Team Performance (62.44%).

European study 3

Read this article if you would like to know more about PCM value in four perspectives such as management, personal, inter-culture and science: https://journalrrsite.com/index.php/Myjrr/article/view/23/13

Overall, PCM training had a significant immediate and sustained impact on a range of personal and professional outcomes. If you want to build your skills to spot miscommunication in seconds, reduce stress and increase connection, the Process Communication Model® (PCM) helps you thrive in every situation by better understanding yourself and others. Start your PCM journey now!

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