Tyde Consulting | Blog post

Unpack the influence of Stress Management training

Posted on May 21, 2023.

According to the “State of the Global Workplace 2022 Report” by GALLUP in 2022, 44% of employees experienced a lot of daily stress in the previous day. With the financial, professional, personal, economic, and other challenges we face, it is more important than ever to prioritize our health through learning effective strategies for managing stress.

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Stress is a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation. It’s a natural human response that prompts us to address challenges and threats in our lives. Everyone experiences stress to some degree. The way we respond to stress, however, makes a big difference to our overall well-being.

1. Your physical and mental health!

Stress can cause a number of physiological changes in the body, including the release of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. Over time, these hormones can have negative impacts on our bodies. Knowing how to manage stress in the right way can help you reduce the risks of health problems, promote relaxation, and improve your mood.

2. Your Mindset

Stress management will help you explore cognitive restructuring, a strategy to change the way you look at things by improving your perspective and coping mechanisms.  You’ll find out how to challenge negative thoughts and avoid jumping to conclusions. And it will coach you to use visualization and meditation to effectively fend off stress.


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In general, there are actually two kinds of stress: Eustress and Distress that people may face with.

1. Eustress

The word "eustress" is derived from the Greek prefix "eu-," which means "good," and the word "stress.”

It is a positive response to stress. Eustress is typically associated with feelings of excitement and challenge rather than anxiety or fear. It helps you boost your energy, your memory, and your motivation, especially through difficult situations.

However, an excess of eustress can be harmful to your health. You can feel overloaded and stressed by too much eustress if you're not allowing yourself to return to a relaxed state and have a healthy balance of restorative downtime.

2. Distress

It is a negative response to stress and oftentimes, we are not aware of it. When it becomes a long-term stress, it can involve through time physical diseases.

The most obvious signs of distress include anxiety, panic attacks, irritability, and tearfulness, all of which are usually seen immediately after the event.


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Last week, TYDE organized a webinar called “Stress Management for HR Leaders”, click here to gain more insights from this topic!

Here are 3 reasons why you need stress management training:

1. Company culture:

Your employees are at the heart of the company culture. If you show that you are empowering them in dealing with their stress in a healthy way. They will become more creative and more productive.

2. Employee retention & talent acquisition

Employees are more likely to stick around in a low-stress work environment and if you give them the key to work on their stress that they will be motivated and feel valued.

3. Showing that you care:

Especially here in Asia, proactively showing that you care for the welling of your employees will help them to feel more at ease and more safe in this workplace.

Whether you're stressed out from work, relationships, or other factors, TYDE will provide you with essential insights and practical solutions for stress management and resilience building. If you want to discover further about our Stress Management training and how it works to enhance your well-being, book us now!

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